Offering Family Mediation services for the whole of England remotely and in person in West Sussex
07720 440831
Working Together
4 step guide to how my Family Mediation service works
​All our communication is strictly confidential. Our initial Family Mediation meeting can just be between you and I, to agree how you would like ongoing sessions to progress.
One : Initial contact
After I have received your referral form, I will provide both of you with information about mediation and invite you for your initial assessment meetings.
Two : Initial assessment meeting
You both attend separately. You talk and we assess whether mediation is suitable for you and whether I can help you and your family.
If mediation does not proceed, I will arrange for you to be provided with a signed declaration form completed by a mediator which will enable you to proceed through court if you choose to do so.
Three : Mediation meetings
These can be joint or they can be shuttle sessions. Joint means face to face (remotely or in person). Shuttle means you both see me independently of each other and I spend time with you both separately. As a Mediator I will guide you, set the ground rules and help you have productive meetings. You set the agenda, you make the decisions and you stay in control of the outcome.
Four: Your final paperwork
Once you have reached a resolution, I will prepare a record of the plan you have reached or Memorandum of Understanding covering the financial aspects of your divorce or separation. I do this for both of you and discuss how this can become binding legally.
My clients are my top priority and everything I do is to work towards a successful outcome for your situation however distressing it may currently feel.